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艾德里安·摩根被任命为公平与包容副总裁,理查德·费尔德曼被任命为首席多元化官 University of Rochester, effective immediately. 大学校长萨拉·曼格尔斯多夫(Sarah Mangelsdorf)在全国范围内进行遴选并获得董事会批准后宣布了对摩根的任命. A leader devoted to promoting diversity, inclusion, 以及医疗和高等教育的公平, Morgan自2022年8月起担任临时副总裁兼首席多元化官. 她还将继续担任公平和包容的高级副院长 School of Medicine and Dentistry (SMD).

“我们的大学社区从Adrienne的经验和她将人们聚集在一起讨论复杂问题的能力中受益匪浅,” said Mangelsdorf. “我相信她是推动大学真正欢迎和支持所有人的承诺的合适领导者.”

The role of vice president for equity and inclusion and chief diversity officer ensures equity across the institution; fosters a culture of respect and inclusion for all faculty, staff, students, alumni, and members of the community; oversees compliance in this area and works with campus diversity leaders to ensure the University’s alignment with federally mandated anti-discrimination policies; and advocates for the role that diversity and equity initiatives play in achieving institutional excellence.

担任大学首席多元化官,向校长汇报工作, this leadership role directs the Institutional Office of Equity & Inclusion (IOEI) and works to enhance diversity, equity, access, 并融入大学的各个方面. 副校长还与院长、其他高层领导和校园选民密切合作,共同创造, implement, 领导包括招聘在内的全学院多元化战略计划, training, communication, policy, and metrics. In addition, 摩根将担任总统的股权和多元化事务高级顾问, provost, and other University officers, 并继续担任总统高级领导小组的成员.

“阿德里安娜对机构如何成功地统一和努力创造一种优先考虑福祉的包容性文化有着深刻的理解, development, engagement, 我们多样化的劳动力和学生群体的成功,” Mangelsdorf added. “我真诚地感谢遴选委员会致力于从高素质的候选人中选出最优秀的人来担任这一领导职位. 我完全同意,最好的候选人是那个已经选择在十大赌博正规老平台这里发展事业的人.”

2022年8月,摩根被任命为临时副总裁. At the time, 她当时是十大赌博正规老平台医学中心负责公平和包容的副校长, 作为公平和包容的高级副院长 School of Medicine and Dentistry. 在医疗中心,摩根领导了价值观驱动的发展 Equity and Anti-Racism Action Plan 并建立了一个基础设施来解决教师的公平和包容问题, students, and staff. She and her team have created a toolkit 支持公平的教师招聘工作,并建立了多元化的基础设施, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training. In partnership with the 大专院校教育工作者协会, 她在整个校园开展培训,以创造更包容、更公平的学习环境.

最近,作为临时副总统,她与杰基·贝克曼(Jackie Beckerman)合作hief patient experience officer at the Medical Center, 在全院范围内发起“活六人组”运动, 六个字的反种族主义和善良倡议,以回应布法罗Tops超市的仇恨犯罪谋杀. The words “Stop Hate, End Racism, Choose L.O.V.E(处处践行我们的价值观)是一种尊重我们价值观的呼吁, take action, 并以一个声音宣布,十大赌博正规老平台反对一切形式的仇恨和种族主义. 《十大赌博正规老平台》还关注了当地和全国日益恶化的尊重文化和缺乏公民话语. 该计划将在今年秋天扩大,提供更多的教育机会, restorative justice, 以及整个机构的社区建设.

Morgan is an associate professor in the Department of Health Humanities and Bioethics 也是医学中心的副教授 Warner School of Education. 她获得了威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的政治学学士学位, RIT跨学科专业十大赌博正规老平台硕士学位, and a PhD in higher education from Rochester.


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