A graduate student and professor in a computer lab discussing charts that are displayed on a computer.



Enhancing your career is an important consideration as part of your graduate education. The 十大赌博正规老平台 recognizes the unique career needs of its graduate students and 博士后, and provides personalized approaches to your career exploration in academic and industry fields. We’ve compiled some professional development opportunities below to consider during your time at 罗彻斯特.




“The career education and development of our graduate students has become an even greater priority in recent years with renewed energy and resources dedicated to support students as they design their experiences at 罗彻斯特 and beyond. We want to provide students with not only access to resources and opportunities but also a community of faculty, 工作人员, 顾问, alumni and peers who are committed to helping students find success in ways that are as diverse as the students who choose 罗彻斯特.”



十大赌博正规老平台利用 握手 作为我们的职业人脉资源. 握手 is a career connection tool that can be personalized to your career interests. 利用握手联系就业中心的资源, 预约, 查看即将举行的活动, 与学生和雇主联系, 并申请空缺职位.



罗彻斯特大学社区独有的 Meliora集体 offers a space to make meaningful connections for personal and professional growth.

加入美利欧拉集体网络, 在平台内连接和聊天, 成为或找到一位导师, 并探索职业发展机会.



As we continue to see a changing landscape in the hiring of graduate students in academic settings the 十大赌博正规老平台 is devoted to supporting students developing and applying for industry and alt-ac positions.

通过提供个性化的方法, 大学的职业支持可以帮助你探索, 开发技能, 申请学术界以外的职位. 学生有机会参与编程, 建议会议, 体验式和课外学习机会等等.



We have dedicated resources specifically for our 博士后 and graduate students with an interest in teaching during their career.


Designed collaboratively by faculty from each of the University six schools, the 未来教师工作坊 旨在培养下一代教师, and to give our graduates a competitive edge in the academic marketplace.

Workshop sessions offer information and hands-on experience with faculty life not traditionally part of graduate curriculums, including academic career paths and multiple aspects of the teaching enterprise.



The University has developed additional programs for those who are interested in teaching. Those whole complete either of these programs will receive a notation on their transcript as well as a certificate for completion. The individual schools are responsible for conferring this recognition for their students.



For the 教学基础 Program, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Evidence of teaching practice that includes working directly with students, 在下列任何一种情况下:
    • 讲座
    • 习题课
    • 研讨会
    • 讨论组
    • 实验室
  • 教师对学生教学效果的评估, CETL员工, 或者是一个训练有素的十大赌博正规老平台生. The evaluation should include analysis of student feedback and a self-evaluation.
  • 参与 以及关于 与教与学有关的五个事件,例如:
    • 未来教师工作坊
    • 部门的课程
    • 其他经批准的校内或校外活动(包括, but not limited to: presentations on higher education by visiting scholars; teaching events at surrounding colleges; etc)
    • Other online workshops with approval (including, but not limited to, EdX/Coursera offerings)

Students who want to receive recognition for completing the 教学基础 program must submit a proposal that describes how they plan to meet (or have already met) the requirements listed above to the appropriate school’s 教学与表彰计划委员会.

如果你需要指导整理文档, 你可以联系相应学校的联系人 教学与表彰计划委员会.

This proposal will be reviewed by the school’s Teaching Program Committee and approved or sent back for revisions if the proposal is not met with approval.


For the 先进的教学 Program, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Evidence of teaching practice that includes working directly with students, 在下列任何一种情况下:
    • 讲座
    • 习题课
    • 研讨会
    • 讨论组
    • 实验室
  • 教师对学生教学效果的评估, CETL员工, 或者是一个训练有素的十大赌博正规老平台生. The evaluation should include analysis of student feedback and a self-evaluation.
  • 完成与教学有关的课程. The course can be on campus or online, including any of the following:
    • CETL课程(车间领导培训课程)
    • 部门的课程
    • 写作,口语,和辩论程序讲师培训课程
    • 其他在线课程(如.g.(通过Coursera)。
  • 参与 eight events related to teaching and learning, events being any of the following:
    • 未来教师工作坊
    • 其他经批准的校内或校外活动(包括, but not limited to: presentations on higher education by visiting scholars; teaching events at surrounding colleges; etc.)
  • Submission of an e-Portfolio demonstrating the student’s teaching abilities. 电子档案夹应包括以下内容:
    • 教学的声明
    • 反思学生的教学经验和吸取的教训
    • 评估和学生反馈
    • 教材(e).g., syllabi, assignments, tests and examinations) created by the student as appropriate

Students who want to receive recognition for completing the 先进的教学 program must submit a proposal that describes how they plan to meet (or have already met) the requirements listed above to the appropriate school’s 教学与表彰计划委员会.

This proposal will be reviewed by the school’s Teaching Program Committee and approved or sent back for revisions if the proposal is not meet with approval.


教学中心支持艺术、科学 & 工程(如&E)十大赌博正规老平台生跨越他们作为教师的教学角色, 未来的教师, 还有助教.
